Coutts & Norwest Commercial | Liquid Agency

Coutts & Norwest Commercial

Coutts and Norwest Commercial undertook a complete digital transformation. Including; Salesforce CRM Implementation, Pardot Implementation, Integration with Real Commercial/Commercial Real Estate, multi-branded UX Designed website and more! We’ve very proud to have delivered a game-changing commercial solution.

The dawn of a new game-changing
era for the group.

This project had its challenges set and how we love a challenge!
With a pre-existing commerical management platform in place, we had a large data migration task at hand. With 2 businesses, Coutts and Norwest, data was shared across both business, multiple office locations, departments, permissions and the list goes on.
Their CRM needed to integrate with 2 external Portals: and In addition to the technical side of things, Coutts/Norwest undertook a rebrand and Liquid delivered a lead-driven and UX designed multi-branded website solution, downloadable PDFs and stunning email templates. Ensuring consistency across both brand's digital assets.

Benchmarks / Scope

  • Digital discovery
  • Site architecture (site map)
  • Wireframes
  • Website UX design - desktop and mobile
  • Digital brand extension - formatting style sheet
  • Website development and implementation CMS: Craft
  • Salesforce & Pardot Implementation
  • Marketing assets: PDF generation, Email (transactional and campaign) templates etc.

“We are very excited to launch. This is the dawn of a new game-changing era for the group. Well done and thanks very much for your assistance.”

Grant Beaumont | Director

The results speak for themselves! - results are based on March 1st-31st 2021 to March 1st-31st 2020.


Increase in sessions


Increase in users


Increase in Organic Search


Increase in Direct traffic


By proceeding with a digital discovery phase, we were able to look at the project in its entirety. Allowing us to map out all requirements, research, investigate and set benchmarks.

At the heart of project, Salesforce CRM was to be the "single source of truth". Allowing us to push information and property listings to the website and REA/Domain.

Coutts & Norwest Commercial


Coutts/Norwest undertook a rebrand by Banzai. With the new brand identities in place, Liquid delivered a lead-driven and UX designed multi-branded website, downloadable PDFs and stunning email templates. Ensuring consistency across both businesses digital assets.

Coutts & Norwest Commercial
Coutts & Norwest Commercial

A few "Before and After" website screens to showcase both brands digital transformation!

Coutts & Norwest Commercial

We're not just proud of our frontend UX Design, but also our Salesforce custom UI design. The Matched Properties feature is intuitive for sales agents to use. Allowing a seamless journey to narrow down customer interest.


A few highlights include:

  • Leads syncing from REA/Domain to Salesforce
  • Listings syncing from Salesforce to REA/Domain
  • Mulit-branded website with listings driven by Salesforce
  • Interactive search and map feature
  • PDF generation for Property Flyers
  • Matched Listings feature
  • Comprehensive news and resources
  • Lead generation: Insights email sign-up and downloadable white papers
Coutts & Norwest Commercial


With this commercial real estate digital solution at Coutts/Norwest's disposal, the possibilities are endless in terms of growth. We look forward to working with the Coutts/Norwest Commercial team as their solution and offering evolves!

Interested in finding out more? Contact us below