04 Feb 2018 | 3 min read
We love a challenge!
On the 23rd-25th of March, the WeAreLiquid team will be walking 100km to raise money and awareness for Oxfam Australia. The event is Oxfam Trailwalker. The walk takes places on the outskirts of the Melbourne CBD, Dandenong Ranges, passing through challenging bushland and stunning national parks.
Teams of four enter this event and have 48 hours to walk or run the 100km trail, although our team is hoping to finish in 30 hours. It’s very likely that we’ll walk through the night (with little or no sleep) until the end. The event raises vital funds for Oxfam Australia. Oxfam is an independent, secular, non-government organisation working in more than 28 countries and Indigenous Australia.
WeAreLiquid Team, is hoping to raise well over 5K to help some of the world’s poorest people. Our fundraising enables Oxfam to continue its work delivering projects that support orphans and people affected by HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa, that educate people in Laos on efficient farming techniques and that improve Indigenous health and wellbeing in regional Australia.
My Oxfam Trailwalker team, Mark, Veronica, Lucile and I will be going the distance and we hope that you can support us in this massive challenge.
Help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 for Oxfam! Every $20 raised can purchase 4 collapsible 10 little water bladders, enabling families to transport and store clean drinking water in the aftermath of an emergency. If we reach our goal, that’s 1,000 water bladders we can contribute!
Your business name/logo will be printed front and square on our celebratory banner as we walk (or crawl) through the finishing gate! We will also include your name and logo on our “Thank You” email campaign, blog and social post, and email signature.
As per the Gold sponsorship, but your logo/name won’t be quite so big on our banner etc.
Your business name/logo will appear in our email/blog/social “Thank You” posts.
You’ll get a special mention on our “Thank You” posts.
The work that Oxfam does is vital to so many people worldwide and 100km is a long way to walk! But putting ourselves through months of intense training will be worth it for the impact our fundraising has on others through Oxfam Australia’s programs.
We ask you to please give generously and consider that your donation will make a real difference.
Thank you!